Hi, my name is Kenji Matsumoto. I’m 33 years old and currently reside in Reno, Nevada. I’ve been rated in the top 10 in North Americafor most of the last tenyears, and have finished in the top 5 of three consecutive National Scrabble Championships.I love word games, and I’m a word game expert.
My thesis was on the relationship between classiceconomic theory and its relationshipwith board and card games, including Scrabbleand Words with Friends. I’ve earned over $20,000 from Scrabble tournaments, winning major tournaments around the country, and have given professional Scrabble lessons and taught many of the best players throughout both the US and Canada.
I have written a popular Scrabble strategy book called Breaking the Game. That book hasturned into my personal obsession: it was more important than any success I could achieve during Scrabble tournaments.Breaking the Game explains the fundamentals of Scrabble, and comes recommended by many of the best Scrabble players in the world. I also maintain a Scrabble strategy website here and create youtube videos here. For diehard fans, I’ve also written a book on tournament Scrabble strategy here.